Friday afternoon Adam Moser and I filmed interviews for a promo DVD for the "Face to Face" consecration. Taylor Stanley, a student from A & M (pictured to the right) is doing the filming, interviews and helping us produce the DVD. The DVD will be used to inspire campus ministry leaders to consider the consecration process next fall based on what the Lord has done, and is doing on the campus of Texas A & M this spring.
Friday night we held an informational meeting on campus for ministry leaders who were interested in the consecration process next fall. We had a good number of leaders from A & M along with a delegation from the University of Houston who drove down for the evening to join us. We shared the vision, leaders shared their testimonies and we discussed how to increase participation at A & M and in Houston for the fall.
After sharing for a couple hours we prayed to close the meeting about 9 p.m. But when we begin to pray the presence of the Lord broke in and took over the meeting. The Lord began to reveal His heart for the campuses in Texas, prophetic words were released, students encountered the Lord in powerful ways - some for the first time in their lives. For almost 2 hours the Lord ministered to us together in that little room! It was the best "info" meeting I have ever attended! When we finally left about 10:30 we had trouble walking to our cars because we were so affected by the presence of the Lord. The Lord made it clear to us again that He is in this!!!
We are now intentionally trumpeting the call to consecration on 9 other campuses in Texas and Wisconsin as well. In a couple of weeks I will be at the University of Texas - Austin speaking to campus ministry leaders and the regional retreat of InterVarsity leaders from 15 campuses in Texas alone to begin to prepare for the "Face to Face" on those campuses in the fall as well.
Saturday we held a seminar on campus and it was powerful. Adam and I taught on revival, the spirit of the age, the need for spiritual revolution and living a life of radical devotion! During the ministry time the Lord highlighted the idolatry of the university in specific ways and had students renounce the pride, traditions, etc., and it was incredible! There is a core of students now on campus that are really walking in understanding of revival and expectant to be participants of it in their generation!
Klark, pictured with Adam, is a young man who belongs to a conservative Christian Fraternity on campus. Although they ignored the invitation to join in the consecration process, the Lord had His own agenda for them! During their weekly Monday night meeting in the chapel, the presence of the Lord broke in in power and many of the students got baptized in the Holy Spirit! They started praying for healing and several of them got physically healed! The students encountered the Lord is a new, experiential way and have been changed forever.
Since then the Lord is opening their hearts to desiring more of Jesus. These revived students are part of a spiritual revolution out of religious routine and compromised lives and into radical devotion to Jesus! Friday night as we walked through campus after the information meeting, we ran into a young man who had recently come to Christ. Our friend, Stefan had led him to the Lord over dinner and then through deliverance out of the gay lifestyle! In the middle of the restaurant! He is now reading the PURITY book!! We heard so many testimonies of increased evangelism on campus as students have become bold in their faith! Atheists are getting saved! Groups of students are praying around campus, reports of healing and students encountering the Lord's presence and power are increasing!
Please pray for the students as they leave campus for the summer. Pray that the Lord increases their hunger over the summer and that He continues to use them to spread spiritual life and fire wherever they go!
Rhonda Hughey