Tuesday afternoon I presented an overview of presence-based transformation to leaders from all over the United States who lead cityreaching ministries. The presentation was an overview of what transforming revival and supernatural transformation are, the role of the manifest presence of God in transformation and the process He requires to transform the church and a community. I also presented the first documented transformation testimony in the United States - Manchester, Kentucky! I ended by showing a clip of the newly released documentary "Appalachian Dawn". It was powerful! What a privilege to speak to these leaders and encourage their hearts and stretch their faith to belief God for more than human strategies but for His Kingdom to come where we live!

Monday afternoon I had my first meeting with the Orlando House of Prayer leadership team. Oh my goodness! 6 1/2 hours later I got back to my hotel. It was the most amazing time! It was like the fire of God came as we shared our hearts and vision - what a powerful connection! I LOVE these guys and what the Lord is doing through their ministry. We all sensed divine purpose in our time together - it was just awesome! At the end of our time we prayed for each other. When they prayed for me, the Lord used them to prepare things in the spirit for my presentation the following day. Thank you Jesus for Kingdom friendship and divine purpose!
I had a great time at the conference connecting with old friends, some from the first cityreaching school in 1995 when I worked with Ed Silvoso! I reconnected with many leaders from cities I have known through the years. Some were very exciting divine appointments for future ministry! The most exciting divine appointments were with 2 national leaders of InterVarsity! The Lord is already using them to open new doors on college campuses for the "Face to Face" consecration process next Fall! I also got to speak to several national leaders about the REVIVAL book and that is stirring hearts!

Tina and Rhonda
I also had a lot of fun spending time with one of my best friends! Tina and I have been friends since 1997 when we ministered together in Dallas preparing the city for our national revival conference 'Light the Nation" with all the Argentines! She lives in Orlando now so she came to pray for me, help with the book table, etc. Tuesday night Tina, her husband and I went out for a fabulous dinner, and it was a nice time to relax after a very intense day!

Florida is full of alligators! This guy was in a pond outside the conference building. When we stopped to look at him he came right out of the water. Needless to say we all jumped back in the car! He didn't look like he had lunch yet! Ha!
In Christ, Rhonda