We woke up Tuesday morning in Tavua after only a couple hours of sleep…our team was planning on a night-watch for the house of prayer, then at midnight Pastor Bill told us we would have a 5 a.m. prayer time! By time we got settled and got to sleep it was around 2 AM for some, making a short night! At 5 AM we all stumbled back to the prayer-shack, and our flesh was SO WEAK! We leaned into the presence of Jesus and asked for strength! We were also fasting food and there was no coffee to be found., creating a potential flesh crisis for sure!! We pressed in – nobody complained and the team engaged their hearts even in their weakness.
After a powerful prayer time with the HTL team and an hour to get ready for the day, we started the house of prayer. As we entered into worship the Lord strengthened us and began to give prophetic insight into the spiritual climate and what was on God’s heart. We cried out for the word of the Lord to run swiftly through the village as the transformation process began! The Lord opened our eyes to the ancient foundations and gave revelation about the new foundation He was establishing through His word in the community. It was an amazing morning in prayer!! Our weakness didn’t seem to bother the Lord, ha!
Half of our team then went to the village gathering to pray, and the other half kept the “fire burning on the altar,” meaning we prayed and worshipped at the hut of prayer. Many from the village gathered that morning to hear the word of the Lord. The HTL leaders preached a strong word about idolatry!
We discovered that day that our shack was literally a couple feet away from ancient ruins! We could see the stones of one of the first huts in the village. We were stunned because God was uprooting ancient foundations to establish His kingdom, the very thing we had prayed that morning!
That evening we continued the house of prayer and intercession at the gathering, and the whole village came to the gathering to hear the word of the Lord! The hut of prayer was HOT! The Lord brought so much revelation and fire as we prayed and worshiped! At the end of the meeting the ENTIRE VILLAGE REPENTED for idolatry!!! We were privileged to be able to pray with the people in prayer by laying hands on their shoulders. We stood in the middle of a corporate people who were broken before God for their unfaithfulness and spiritual harlotry. It was a powerful, life-changing experience for us and them both.
As the altar time ended people started shouting to look to the sky. There was a sign in the heavens!! A giant circle (halo) had surrounded the moon, almost the circumference of the area where we were meeting. The HTL leaders said “it’s an open heaven” (they see those things frequently), while our team usually does not! It looked like the eye of God looking down on the village. The villagers knew God had heard their cry!! (2 Chronicles 7:15 – “now my eye will be attentive to the prayers made in this place”).
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